New Hope Community Church

Hermiston, Oregon -

Phone: 541-567-8441

New Hope is located in the city of Hermiston is the largest city with the largest school district in Eastern Oregon.  It has a population of over 18,000 and is surrounded by a number of smaller communities.  It lies 3 hours directly east of Portland, OR and 35 minutes south of the Tri-Cities, WA.  The Hermiston area is steppe desert and is situated near the Columbia River and the Blue Mountains.  It is primarily an agricultural area but also hosts much industry including a number of Amazon facilities and a Walmart distribution center.  Hermiston is a fast-growing and thriving community full of transplants that have moved here to fill the growing need for both skilled and unskilled labor.

If you’d like more information about New Hope, check out our website at or our Facebook page at